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In order to preserve the safety and well-being
of all youth participating in activities
(not just limited to sports)
within the Garden City Youth Athletic Association
(hereafter GCYAA), the “GC SAFE” policy
has been adopted and approved by the Board
requiring background screening for all volunteers,
including but not limited to, the following:
Board Members, Coach, Assistant Coach,
Concession Employee, Umpire and any other Volunteers
within the association. Such policy is not only compliant
with risk-management (insurance requirements)
but also complies with FEDERAL PUBLIC
LAW 115-116-FEB. 14, 2018
– the “Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse
and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017”.

Please click on the link to read all the details
of this new GCYAA policy and access the Consent Form:
 GC SAFE Criminal Background Policy
